Your Company has 10,000 Laptops. Make them all Data Warehouses.

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Superman. Wait, it’s a query tool, it’s a Toad, it’s Informatica, it’s Tableau, it’s MicroStrategy, it’s a Rosetta Stone, it’s a data warehouse. Oh my goodness, it’s Nexus.
Your company has 10,000 laptops and PCs with a CPU and memory capable of processing data like a data warehouse. However, they all sit idle while all data joining and analytic calculations happen only on the database you query repeatedly. And then you get dinged for writing complicated SQL on a data warehouse with too much traffic and too many users.
Once we figured out that we could join data from multiple systems, including Excel and Access, inside the user’s PC or laptop, we knew we had something unique and special.
We then began mastering data movement and automatic conversions between all systems so that all database systems could integrate quickly.
A monumental breakthrough came when we could take answer sets, drag them to any system’s tree, and instantly create tables in the user’s sandbox.
However, once we discovered that we could calculate analytics on answer sets like rank, cumulative sum, moving average, quantiles, lead, lag, etc., we knew we could save users and companies time and money.
Then, after 20 years of development, the impossible happened because we could query every system, migrate data between all systems, and federate data in a single query as easily as if the joins were on a single system.
If you or your company want to leapfrog ten years into the future, set everyone up with Nexus and ignite every laptop and PC in your company.
Please don’t take my word for it. Check out the video below, download a free trial, and prepare to be amazed that this technology exists.
Here is a license you can use and share with everyone in your company until January 2025. Download Nexus at
Call me!
Tom Coffing
CEO, Coffing Data Warehousing
Phone: 513 300-0341