About Coffing Data Warehousing

Founded in 1993 by Tom Coffing, Coffing Data Warehousing has produced Nexus, which is the most sophisticated software the world has ever seen.

The Nexus client and server software is the only software that queries all systems, migrates data between all systems, and can perform federated queries across all systems.

Users can submit SQL using Nexus for any system, but the Nexus Super Join Builder will write the SQL automatically, including federated queries.

Corporations use Nexus to migrate data between legacy and cloud platforms using the Nexus Server, software that users can install on any on-premises or cloud Windows Server or Windows VM. Users can set up the migration of thousands of tables in minutes from their PC but schedule the jobs to run on a high-speed Nexus Server.

Individual users can easily migrate a single table or thousands of tables, run the job from their PC, or schedule them on the Nexus Server.

Nexus has been a proven query tool for hundreds of large customers for almost two decades. With the migration and federation capabilities, Nexus has become the software of choice for users accessing multiple systems.

How did Coffing Data Warehousing gain so much knowledge and experience? Our CEO, Tom Coffing, was a programmer for ten years, wrote 85 books on all database platforms, and has taught over 1,000 classes worldwide on database architecture, performance tuning, and SQL.

No company knows more about all databases than Coffing Data Warehousing because we wrote the book on them all.

With an eye towards the future, CoffingDW is constantly adding features and capabilities to the Nexus, so CONTACT US to see a demo today!